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MODEY LEMON - Curious city CD

  • Artist: MODEY LEMON
  • Label: Birdman
  • Format: CD
  • Artikelnummer: 9460
  • Lieferbar ab (kann sich verzögern):
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Preis: 3,00 €
Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

These are dark times for rock 'n' roll, brothers and sisters. The chill wind of the zeitgeist has swept in and awarded savage riffs and sussed singers some temporary modicum of cool. In the interim, any number of shallow-hearted Xerox pretenders to some blues/garage/punk-rock throne have snuck through this back door to assail, insult and degrade our beloved noise, until it's little more than a catalog of pouts and poses that amount to zilch. We need bands willing to claw back the magic and mythology of rock 'n' roll, to give us something we can really sink our teeth into, art that's hot-blooded and literate and impassioned, something deep and tangible that'll stir the spook in our souls. A band like Pittsburgh, PA's Modey Lemon. It would figure that a band like Modey Lemon would hail from the town that gave the world George Romero and Night of the Living Dead. Modey Lemon's songs conjure images of mechanical dinosaurs, cemetaries and the entire universe coming undone. The Curious City, Modey's third full length, is their strongest and most adventurous release to date. Ten tracks of metal mayhem, psych sickness and all-out rock 'n' roll psychosis. Be afraid.

ATTENTON!! Minimumorder, if you order ONLY Cheapos: 20,00 Euros, excl. postage!!!