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LOS MALINCHES - Planeta nahuatl LP

Preis: 19,50 €
Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

The ecology and the urgency to revert the human practices that generate all the evils that devastate nature is the war cry that resounds in every echo of this concept album that bears the title: 'Planeta Nahuatl'.
The quintet returns to the stage with an ambitious album, changing the sound style, as composition and orientation, the new work of Los Malinches has a certain aspect of a rock opera, which distils naturalistic mysticism and a vintage aspect updated by everyone and each one of their pores.
'Planeta Nahualt' is precisely that, a mix of different styles and very different sounds, but with the strength of the songs, all the pieces fit together in a brilliant set. The album is the perfect union between psychedelia and pop.
'The record is a conceptual work that puts a soundtrack to different possible phases and scenarios, which could take place after the catastrophe that comes to us above data and signals that, both science and fiction, suggested us last years.
It is a project of a new society after the destruction of the planet we live. A new opportunity to start from zero, which is finally truncated by the intrinsic defects in the human being, so that history finally repeats itself again in a disheartening way, just as it always repeats the same conflicts and the same wars together again'.

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