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RAZORBLADES - Gimme some noise! CD

Preis: 13,90 €
Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

THE RAZORBLADES are one of Europe's leading surf bands, played nearly 300 shows in ten countries, released three albums and one EP, added tracks to numerous compilations and have absolutely no plans to retire. Instead they release their forth full length album “Gimme Some Noise”, which shows the band running like a well-oiled diesel engine. But can you combine Surf with Punk, New Wave, Ska, Reggae, Modsound and Rockabilly? THE RAZORBLADES say Yes! The spirit of Dick Dale still lingers over “Gimme Some Noise”, but the three piece from Germany spices the Sixties Sound with neck breaking speed, wild feedback noise and a colorful range of influences. You can hear the American power pop of the Cute Lepers as well as Agent Orange's West Coast Punk, find traces of Ska from The Specials, Punky Reggae from the Ruts, the Mod Sound of the Jam and if you listen closely, there's also some feedback extravaganza in the spirit of Sonic Youth.

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