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TRAPS - Boom pow awesome wow LP

  • Artist: TRAPS
  • Label: Castle Face
  • Format: LP
  • Artikelnummer: 20307
  • Lieferbar ab (kann sich verzögern):
  • Verfügbarkeit:

Preis: 11,90 €
Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

Announcing The Traps' Boom Pow Awesome Wow: Another grimy bit of gold from the vaults 'home made' music from Providence, RI, to irk your co-workers with. When you hear the word 'garage,' does it make you want to leave the room? I can relate. Beaten over the head, we've been. The horse that was once merely dead is now paste on the linoleum. Garage songs sell cars. Needless to say, The Traps would be last on the list for ad men's fancy. Sometimes you see or hear something that is so completely the raw ingredient of what was once great in your life that it stands out or in this case, hunches over with a thread of saliva from its chin to its knee.

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