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MALADROIT - Real life super heroes CD

  • Artist: MALADROIT
  • Label: Monster Zero
  • Format: CD
  • Artikelnummer: 30557
  • Lieferbar ab (kann sich verzögern):
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Preis: 11,90 €
Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

Goomba's favorite frenchies are back with a brand new album, full of super hero inspired songs! This is the punkrock you all need today. Witty & gritty, poppy and outside the box, Maladroit has been a beacon of poppunk and continue to do so. Forest Pooky is now a full-time member, and Merel from Lone Wolf has a cameo appearrance. Do it Forest, Olive, Till and Cham, save the world, one one-finger solo at a time! Co-release with Guerilla Asso and Slow Death, so you know what's up.

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