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FREAK GENES - Power station LP

  • Artist: FREAK GENES
  • Label: Feel It
  • Format: LP
  • Artikelnummer: 28149
  • Lieferbar ab (kann sich verzögern):
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Preis: 25,90 €
Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

Freak Genes continue their descent into angular electronics with Power Station. Musicians are replaced by machines, natural sounds are swapped for noises. The result is synthetic pop for problem times.Charlie Murphy (Internal Credit / Isolation) and Andrew Anderson (Proto Idiot / KAKE?) orchestrate affairs, wrangling synths, drum machines, guitars and found sounds. Think 154-era Wire but with a reduced budget, or DAF minus the disco. The album was recorded in bedrooms and borrowed spaces from 2018 to 2020. It was mixed and mastered by Mikey Young.

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