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NESTTER DONUTS - Flamenco trash CD

Preis: 14,50 €
Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

From Alicante/Barcelona in Spain Flamenco Trash one man band you Dirty Wild Rock'n'Roll Garage Punk and Super LO-FI Trash!!! from Alicante/Barcelona in Spain comes the most amazing Flamenco Trash one man band you never heard of.. born and raised 1993 by a Gipsy Flamenco Family grew up and Playing the dirtiest clubs in Town and made contact with the British music (via the Tourists) and just wanted to Trash it up .. until he created his own Music Style FLAMENCO TRASH with that Mission he toured around Spain and the Rest of Europe as one man band or in Bands such as the Suicide Generation , he's deep in wild Trash Rock'n'Roll and he's definitely the Spanish Bastard Son of Hasil Adkins this is no Doubt ,his flair for Flamenco Music comes from his parents , little Nestter when he still was a baby, he was Born a Twin, his Brother works a ,real' Jop but Nestter he's the Black sheep in the Family he loves to gets Nacked on stage and plays with his Genitales the Maracas to torture his Flamenco Trash guitar like no other Flamenco Devil before, he is wild, crazy and he is the one and only Donut that calls himself Nestter, please welcome Spains Number 1 nutjop to your house and let yourself go into the Wild Wild World of Flamenco Trash with Nestter Donuts

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