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Öfffnungszeiten: Mo-Fr: 09 - 17 Uhr
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O LENDARIO CHUCROBILLYMAN - The chicken album 10

Preis: 11,70 €
Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

Damn..that's what i was waiting for!!! Killer raw Chicken style one-man band delta blues which totally rips it up from the first song on! On the fab Off Label Records Label comes this masterpiece full of 8 cruncing tunes like "Chicken Flow", "Chicken Rhythm" or "Coconut Road"!!! The artist hails from brazil and plays all instruments 8of course) alone, drums, pieces of garbarge, brazilian violin guitar..whatever..and out comes some mighty fine raw'n primitive Blues Trash! Thumbs up!

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