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NEW SWEARS - Junkfood forever, bedtime whatever LP

  • Artist: NEW SWEARS
  • Label: Bachelor
  • Format: LP
  • Artikelnummer: 21231
  • Lieferbar ab (kann sich verzögern):
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Preis: 15,90 €
Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

Best thing in Canada right now, and Canada's full of brilliant bands these days. NEW SWEARS are back with their new album 'Junkfood Forever, Bedtime Whenever' only about one year after the release of their debut album 'Funny Isn't Real' (Bachelor / Dirt Cult) which got raaaaving reviews all over the world. The sound of the first album was a bit crummy / lo-fi in some way, this has changed totally here, but still they ride the rollercoaster in the same theme park called 'Rock n Roll all night and party every day'... 'New Swears are a joyful and wasted party... brimming with feel-good tambo shakers and guitar hooks. Surfy with punk hooks and smilyfaced vocals exploding with danger, fun, youth... these dudes crap out catchy riffs like golden eggs, everything is light, uptempo and catchy!

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