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JOHNNY THROTTLE - Sick of myself 7

  • Label: Crypt
  • Format: 7"
  • Artikelnummer: 15018
  • Lieferbar ab (kann sich verzögern):
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Preis: 5,20 €
Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

ONLY AVAILABLE WITHOUT COVER ANYMORE!!! So... it's February 2009 in Berlin, it's an ice-cold night and one of the Crypt A&R army (yeah, right!) plus a crew consisting of BBQ and 3 Black Lips are making the rounds of the hotspots in search of girls, er... TALENT, and we stumble into the Kortina Bob nightclub and witness a quite amazing set o' poonkrock pummel being blasted out by 4 lads in from Londinium via Portugal (and various other countries). After the set the A&R "team" (well, that's how tim is often pronounced by pals from Espana, and Team does sound better than "Lone, Deranged Alcoholic") approaches Afonso the singer and say "Hey, man! Y'wanna do a single?", Afonso says "Sho!". A&R team punches in the Applausometer on our custombuilt demographic-calculating supersecret ChartBusterAnaliser/DownloadBusting machine in tow - sorry, record labels: this fabulous protege industry-saving mosheen is not available for another 5 years, so we'll all be outta biz before it hits the retail shelves!) and chooses the 2 songs that received the most in fanboy schwitz and groupie panty-moisturizing ratings: "Sick Of Myself", a tune combining equal parts Stoogey roar and Users squonk. "Job In The City", a Kids cover that heaps on Eddie & The Hotrods pubrock honk aplenty.

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