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MYRCHENTS - Indefinite inhibition 7

  • Artist: MYRCHENTS
  • Label: US-SixPunk-Repro
  • Format: 7"
  • Artikelnummer: 18238
  • Lieferbar ab (kann sich verzögern):
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Preis: 10,50 €
Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

Label: Musicol! Possibly from Columbus Ohio but unknown to us beyond that. This is their first 45 from 1967 and is the pearl amongst the swine. All downstroked guitar and snotty vocals, this verges on the inept, but stays on the right side of moronic. Uptempo with jagged guitars, a rudimentary beat is the order of the day, and like all great platters like this, is best served raw.

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