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KK RAMPAGE - Without feelings CD

  • Artist: KK RAMPAGE
  • Label: Big Neck
  • Format: CD
  • Item-Id: 12391
  • available from (can be delayed):
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Price: 3,00 €
price incl. VAT, exclude shipping

After the demise of the Functional Blackouts, Dr. Filth decided to go his own direction and joined the already formed KK Rampage. Originally released as a 10' ep on Rococo Records with a very small pressing, Dr Filth and KK Rampage asked Big Neck to re-release this record on CD with 3 added tracks. 10 tracks of Noise Rock, comparable to the Lost Sounds on speed or even sounding like something that would come from Load Records or Skingraft.

ATTENTON!! Minimumorder, if you order ONLY Cheapos: 20,00 Euros, excl. postage!!!