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REAL BAD NEWS - Black and white and red all over LP

Price: 11,90 €
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WAREHOUSEFIND!!! Here´s the latest and greatest thing to come out of Sacramento since I don´t know what. It´s this mystery band called THE REAL BAD NEWS with their debut album "Black & White & Red All Over". This act, which reminds us so much of the legendary UNTAMED YOUTH, can really lay down the 60´s frat thing with a lot of feeling and guts. They were discovered by Deke Dickerson while they opened for him in California´s capital city. Give a listen - it´s straight forward rock´n´roll with a decided bent toward the pre-BEATLES sixties (justdig all that glorious organ and tenor saophone). And man, they even have their own theme song. Not much is known about the band, but if you listen to the brilliant vocals, you seem to hear Deke Dickerson singing. Hmm, is there maybe even a closer contact between him and the band, than we all thought?! Who know´s. Fact is, that the album got engineered and produced by Deke Dickerson and that he´s written the liner notes too, so let´s listen to what he´s saying about them. " In the last couple of years, "garage rock" has made the headline with such acts as the WHITE STROKES. I haven´t really taken a fancy to any of these bands, personally. To me, they just don´t have any HEART or any SOUL. I had just about given up on this "garage rock" phenomenon until that fateful night at Old Ironsides in Sacramento, California, when a band called THE REAL BAD NEWS open up for me. These guys were awesome! They were a real garage band, but they weren´t a cookie-cutter-cover band like those 80´s Vox Wig TM bands. They wrote great original songs, like "We´re the Bad News", "Don´t get me wrong" and "Cast the fist stone". And when they did do a cover, they would take a great song like Ray Charles´ "Leave my woman alone" and turn it into a raving garage classic. The even took Faron Young´s country classic "Hello walls" and made it into a RIVIERAS-style organ frat pounder! These guys are geniuses! I decided to take this group of miscreants into the studio, to claim their own slice of the "garage rock" pie. If those guys don´t hit it big, I´ll eat my hat! They have all the necessary ingredients - Nate Forrets´s excellent singing, Henry Dantill´s blazing guitar work, Leo Sutter´s harmonies and solid rhythm guitar and of course the secret weapon, the "cuteness factor" of Billy "the Kid" Lakeson that is sure to make these guys the next HANSON. I´m telling you, these guys cannot miss! Any band who writes a song about Krispy Kreme donuts are kings in my book. I hope that you feel the same way." So you can clearly see, Deke Dickerson is mad about these guys, and I´m sure if he would not have been in the UNTAMED YOUTH, he would try to join them. A true trademark of quality this certainly is!