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APERS - Reanimate my heart CD

  • Artist: APERS
  • Label: U-Sonic
  • Format: CD
  • Item-Id: 15693
  • available from (can be delayed):
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Price: 8,90 €
price incl. VAT, exclude shipping

The new Apers album, produced by Perry Leenhouts and Vincent Koreman of the Travoltas, is due for release in early 2007. They have built on their trademark 'teenbeat" sound with the addition of new arrangements that have proved essential in bringing out the best in an Apers song. The feel of this album is tight and catchy anmd hits the nail right on the head with its strong melodies and various guitar and vocal arrangements. Above all the Apers know how to dose and focus the impact revealing the scope of their talents and highlighting the interaction between guitars and rhythm section. All ready going strong for 10 years, the Apers demonstrate that they can continually build on their spirit and enthusiasm.

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