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  • Artist: MONOFONES
  • Label: Subversiv
  • Format: CD
  • Item-Id: 15165
  • available from (can be delayed):
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Price: 12,90 €
price incl. VAT, exclude shipping

There's much more trashy rock'n'roll coming outta Switzerland than you would probably imagine. One of the best examples for this fact is the second album by this girl-fronted three piece from Bern.THE MONOFONES is a rumbling drum, a heavily distorted Gretsch guitar sounding like a John Deere tractor shortly before kicking the bucket and a female voice by which you wouldn't like to be bawled at by. They produce loud and wild 60ies garage trash served with a pinch of lo-fi punk. If you dig bands like COCOCOMA, the COCONUT COOLOUTS and the OKMONIKS, this one's for you daddy-oh!!!

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