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Price: 12,90 €
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A plumber, teacher, engineer, artist, contracter and president of the local painters union walk into a bar... they never came out.Born from Bostons scrappy, DIY punk and indie rock scene, Stop Calling Me Frank plays like a band drunk on Stax R&B, Stiff Recordspub-rock, and the best 60s garage punk. But their gritty, hometown-sound remains unique. As Boston Groupie News writes, "Theynever have followed any perceived guidelines as to what was trendy or popular they did what they wanted." What they want is to rockyou with their addictive, high-energy tunes, whether at their raucous live shows, or on the their new releases for Rum Bar Records.Perfect for fans of the Fleshtones, the Cramps, the Ramones, the Flamin Groovies, the Black Lips, and the Dirt Bombs.

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