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V/A - Robot parade Vol. 1: Vacuum Cleaners & High Tiny Hairs split 7

  • Artist: V/A
  • Label: Chaputa
  • Format: 7"
  • Item-Id: 31845
  • available from (can be delayed): 07.06.2024
  • Availability:

Price: 10,90 €
price incl. VAT, exclude shipping

Chaputa couldn't resist! Following the immense success of the Monster Parade series, which introduced three split 7" records showcasing six bands, we're thrilled to unveil our latest project: ROBOT PARADE! Just like its predecessor, this series consists of three volumes of split 7 inches, with each volume showcasing two bands and featuring two songs from each. Once all three volumes are assembled, they will collectively unveil a single illustration of you guessed it, a robot parade. How fantastic is that?

For the inaugural volume of this exciting series, we've selected The Vacuum Cleaners and High Tiny Hairs.

The origin of The Vacuum Cleaners, a garage rock band, can be traced back to a playful pun initiated by Keith Streng, guitarist of The Fleshtones from New York. This pun quickly evolved into a musical duo with a thematic emphasis on vacuum cleaners. Keith assumed the role of drummer, while Ludwig Dahlloef led on guitar and vocals. Their debut performance at Melodybox in Haegersten, south of Stockholm, following just an hour of rehearsal, left them hungry for more. The band expanded with the inclusion of Peder Carlsson on saxophone and Bjoern Martin on slide guitar. In 2022, Dave Mann from Vipers joined as their bassist, further strengthening their lineup.

High Tiny Hairs is a psychedelic garage quartet hailing from Minneapolis, MN - USA. High Tiny Hairs is the brainchild of the prolific singer-songwriter Benjamin Bachman. Bachman draws inspiration from his formative years in the American Midwest and his time residing in the Tarragona area of Spain. High Tiny Hairs' sound blends dreamy psychedelic garage with irresistibly catchy pop hooks. Bachman's music and lyrics are often praised for their mesmerizing elegance and poetic darkness, conjuring a hazy, late-night rendezvous with his own ghosts.
A1 - Everything
A2 - Non-Stop
B1 - Only Lonely
B2 - Army Of Ants

Edition of 500 copies on black vinyl