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GEOFF PALMER - Standing in the spotlight CD

  • Artist: GEOFF PALMER
  • Label: Stardumb
  • Format: CD
  • Item-Id: 29699
  • available from (can be delayed):
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Price: 13,90 €
price incl. VAT, exclude shipping

After two critically acclaimed solo albums, Geoff Palmer (The Connection, The Guts, Kurt Baker Band) is back with his third full-length, this time coming with a surprising cover album. Ever since Screeching Weasel covered the self-titled Ramones debut, it became a tradition among punk rock bands to cover Ramones albums in their entirety. So far, Dee Dee Kings infamous 1989 rap album Standing In The Spotlight - hated by some, dearly loved by others - remained untouched, though. Until now! With the help of a bunch of friends (including Kurt Baker, Brad Marino, and Mass Giorgini), Geoff Palmer pays tribute to this piece of history by lovingly covering it, hopefully putting a spotlight on these songs to bring them to a new generation. Out on Dee Dees birthday, September 18th.Genre: Punk Rock, Hip-Hop, Power Pop, Alternative Rock.

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