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DEEP SIX (UK) - Like emily/the black country way 7

Price: 10,90 €
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A fourth 7" release by the Midlands band that are attracting large audiences wherever they play. Recent gigs have seen them being asked to support the legendary Small Faces drummer Kenney Jones at a London gig as well as playing with French Boutik among others. This single is a '60s style beat number, along the lines of The Hollies or The Monkees, highlighting Mark's blue eyed soul voice, backed with harmonies and, as all good '60s songs should have, plenty of "ba-ba-ba-ba's"! Psychedelic overtones throughout too. Very late '66/early '67. The band really go through a musical journey with you, talking in so many different influences that will resonate with most listeners of quality tunes and endless style. The flip is pure Mark and his reflective look back at the area he grew up. 'The Black Country Way' is a folky, roots track that paints visual pictures much in the way Ray Davies used to with The Kinks.