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LAME - Cities LP

  • Artist: LAME
  • Label: Beast Records
  • Format: LP
  • Item-Id: 23985
  • available from (can be delayed):
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Price: 16,50 €
price incl. VAT, exclude shipping

LAME is a blues lo-fi punk combo from Torino Italy,featuring 90s italian garager Massimo Scocca (Cave Dogs,Two Bo's Maniacs),colombian drummer Maria Mallol Moya and Stefano Isaia (Movie Star Junkies).The sound of the band is a weird mix of noise punk madness,lonely ballads,country sickness and stomping blues,in the vein of bands like the Gories, the Hunches and Black Time.Their first LP "The lame shall enter first" is out on Alien Snatch Records,cover artwork by Tim Kerr (Monkeywrench,Jack o' Fire) and mastered by Tim Warren (Crypt Records).

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