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  • Label: Crypt
  • Format: CD
  • Item-Id: 6997
  • available from (can be delayed):
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Price: 14,50 €
price incl. VAT, exclude shipping

Thanks to Tim Warren & his of course excellent taste here is the debutalbum of this mighty new band outta New York! 2 girls (one on bass, one on drums) and one of those guitarplayers that plays these simple but totally rocking chords, aaarghh! And the guy sings with one of the most smoking voices since long! 5 years no band got signed by Cryptand now: Here they are THE LITTLE KILLERS!! Imagine like a big truck loaded with the best THE SAINTS, REAL KIDS & stripped down LYRES and you get a clue! Incl. A killer version of THE RASCALS 'come on up'! Believe me, my friends, once you did put this one on or in yer player, you will not stop listening to it! Thanks, Crypt Guys!! 180 gr Vinyl is limited!