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LO-LITE - Basics LP

  • Artist: LO-LITE
  • Label: Slovenly
  • Format: LP
  • Item-Id: 15612
  • available from (can be delayed):
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Price: 14,90 €
price incl. VAT, exclude shipping

A monster album of slide/fuzz guitar driven Dutch blues-punk from 1997. With the original CD being long-sold-out-of-print, this is LO-LITE's least accessible LP (read: stripped down and raw!). This collection of songs shows the band at their most wicked, devilish caterwauling weirdness. Not yet devoted 100% to the blues-punk they are renowned for, but not neglecting it either, this LP contains scorching fuzz busting punk rock jams dripping with satanic howling, not to mention the instant familiarity that any great record should possess. Graced with a bitchin sleeve based on their first demo from 1995, and containing a brand new motherfucker of a song called "Hellbound," this album deserves a spot in the racks with the best of the broken blues garage punk psychosis in any collection.

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