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  • Artist: PRONTO
  • Label: Slovenly
  • Format: LP
  • Item-Id: 22284
  • available from (can be delayed):
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Price: 14,90 €
price incl. VAT, exclude shipping

Melbourne scuzz squad PRONTO, and their self-titled LP will steal your purse n pills before kicking holes in your speakers! "Pronto" hits hard from the gate with a rare breed of aggression that mercilessly attacks your better senses with scraping vocal chords, three or less guitar chords and brash, unrelenting rhythmic fuckery. This decroded piece of plastic devolves from hammering rocknroll into psyched-out meltdowns, never neglecting the breed of anthemic choruses that were perfected during the first wave of UK punk in a twisted post-punk application. Pronto is making good with ruthless threats of thuggish damage. Theyre knocking at your door, and you need the hurt.