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V/A - Things have been bad LP

  • Artist: V/A
  • Label: Teenage Shutdown
  • Format: LP
  • Item-Id: 2932
  • available from (can be delayed):
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Price: 15,90 €
price incl. VAT, exclude shipping

Finally repressed AND re-mastered for a better sound quality!! These are the appetizers for the whole set of Teenage Shutdowns Volumes 1-10 which are getting repressed now and will ALL be available soon. A bold slew of prime '65-'67 garage punk movers, focusing on snot-caked fratty-edged pounders and a few more "relaxed" teen ravers.PAGANS, CHOAB BARACUDAS OGNIR & THE NITE PEOPLE, OTHER HALF, YO-YO'S, MIDNITERS, PILGRIMAGE, DEBONAIRES, ROAMIN TOGAS, PETER & THE WOLVES, ROOTS/WYLD, INNER THOUGHTS, TALISMEN, SAXONS, STAINS, LOST SOLES, KAMA-DEL-SUTRA, Of these cuts only 5 are also available on other comps!