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MAMA ROSIN - Tu as perdu ton chemin LP

Price: 16,90 €
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MAMA ROSIN..:the POWER CAJUN TRIO from Geneva, Switzerland! Those young rebels sound like nothing you've heard before! They live and love the Cajun Music Style, whose roots go way back to the 18th century. It was brought to the south of the United States, to Louisiana, by the french imigrants from Canada (Arcadiens). In this new country, fast rhythms met some slow walz, they were played on instruments like the austrian melodeon, the fiddle or the triangle. The vocals were usually very high and loud, so even the people in the background could hear and understand it! Mama Rosin brings this traditional music to the new century: the trio plays the Cajun music from Lafayette with lots of rough energy. The traditional instruments are completed with drums, an electric guitar and a banjo. The Mama Rosin style is inspired by the black-creole Blues, the Zydeco from New Orleans. Mama Rosin brings out its debut-album on the Voodoo Rhythm Records this winter (2008). This whole adventure began with a demo-tape, "the garage tape", that was recorded and mixed by Pierre Omer (ex- The Dead Brothers), who also plays the guitar on two songs. A part of this demo-tape was recorded with Bob Drake, in the Drake's Farm (as the Dead Brothers "Wunderkammer" album). Beat-man was swamped over by these sounds and the trio made it's entrance in the big Voodoo Rhythm Family!

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