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V/A - Fading yellow Vol.20 CD

  • Artist: V/A
  • Label: Busy B Production
  • Format: CD
  • Artikelnummer: 30372
  • Lieferbar ab (kann sich verzögern):
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Preis: 15,90 €
Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

With this volume we celebrate 20 years since Fading Yellow volume 1 cd. Fading Yellow created a genre all of its own and praised by many including Bob Stanley.

"It's twenty years since I walked into a record shop in Stockholm and heard Disraeli's mournful, gently thunderous What Will The New Day Bring. I asked the owner what he was playing and he told me it was Fading Yellow volume 2. He played snatches of volume one. I bought both on the spot. Here was a new subset of music which I had always loved, without thinking of it as a subset. Fading Yellow magically bound the softer end of psych with singer-songwriters and beat groups; what they had in common - aside from woodwinds, harpsichord and cellos - was minor chords. The heart of Fading Yellow is rarely sad but always melancholy. Twenty volumes in and it still sounds magical."
- Bob Stanley 2022

The usual high quality 45's musically, this time from the USA and, as always, all the tracks doing their first entrance on any compilation.

Groups including Magic Ring, Second Helping, The Mother Love, Luv Birds, The News etc. All late 60's popsike and other delights. Don't miss out on this wonderful volume.