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LITTLE IKE - She can rock 7

  • Artist: LITTLE IKE
  • Label: Penniman
  • Format: 7"
  • Item-Id: 15447
  • available from (can be delayed):
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Price: 6,00 €
price incl. VAT, exclude shipping

Besides phoning Little Richard every December 5th to wish him a happy birthday, the Master should be acknowledged for all those songs inspired by his sound and singing style that came after the 'Tutti Frutti' boom. One of the best and the WILDEST is Little Ike's 'She Can Rock', released by Champion Records in Nashville in 1957. Little is known about Isaac 'Little Ike' Hamilton: Champion signed him up while he was the lead singer for the Bubba Suggs Band, he waxed this single, his only known one, and then vanished into obscurity. Perhaps because he was aware that such a masterpiece could never be surpassed. We have taken the liberty of replacing the B-side from the original single, the ballad 'Am I Losing You' with a rocker by the great Earl Hines: 'Now Do You Hear', recorded during these same sessions and released by Champion on that same year.

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