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WATZLOVES - Catch me a possum CD

  • Artist: WATZLOVES
  • Label: Voodoo Rhythm
  • Format: CD
  • Item-Id: 11152
  • available from (can be delayed):
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Price: 15,50 €
price incl. VAT, exclude shipping

One Accordion and a Girl with a Hell of a Voice, the Watzloves from Hamburg/Louisiana are the Band Around the Accordion Wild Girl Silky Toss, low Bow Painter and Musician travelling around in a Bus selling paintings and making together with her band the Watzloves the best Cajun and Swamp Blues besides the Bayou! DM Bob the Drummer boyfriend of Silky is a Legend himself played in several other bands the most famous was DM Bob and the Deficits (Crypt,SFTRI) and is a Low Brow Painter, he's roots are in Louisiana where he grow up, his present to Hamburg was the Swamp Blues what he had and what the Watzloves try to play now for over 10 jears! Jakobus the mulit-instrumentalist is a he's natural Crazy and a painter as well makes crazy shit and have exhibitions all over Europe, and plaing besides the Watzloves in DIE STERNE a Hamburg Based band that is Pretty famous in the German speaking area of Europe! Together the Watzloves is as well a low Brow Painting, the Story's and lyrics what Silke sings is far beyond normal girly stuff it's mad sad and angry and funny DM Bob plays the Laziest and most laid back drums the true swamp Blues drum.. jakobus switching in one song from trombone over to the slide and guitar and brings the craziness in the band! This is the 3rd album by the Watzloves 13 songs and a couple of duets from Silky and Bob, 'you made me what I am today' is a Slow Country burner as well the opener and nervous stomper 'whay don't you ask me', Sugar coated love is Party PURE as well the fantastic You're on my mind, all in all the Watzloves deffenetly have found their own sound trou the years and there is none who does something similar if so they they are a copy of the Watzloves!

1. why don't you ask me 2. catch me a possum 3. always the same 4. got u on my mind 5. ain't no free 6. when will I see you again 7. down in the bayou 8. girl called trouble 9. you're on my mind 10. what a fool I was 11. sugar coated love 12. you made me 13. blue bird