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SETH SWIRSKY - Songs from the green couch CD

  • Artist: SETH SWIRSKY
  • Label: Lolipop
  • Format: CD
  • Item-Id: 29343
  • available from (can be delayed):
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Price: 14,50 €
price incl. VAT, exclude shipping

Superbly sticky, beatles-esque jangle pop magic, from the legend himself, Seth Swirsky!!!Lolipop say: "When we heard that Seth Swirsky was making a new album, we were so excited to hear it because genuinely, we are all big fans of his work throughout his impressive career as a billboard hit song writer, film maker & author! This album was produced by the legend Rob Campanella (from Brian Jonestown Massacre) with help from members of local band, Triptides as well!!! A seriously f*cking awesome group of people making a seriously awesome record!"

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